Tag Archive for: Population Health

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Collaboration and Cooperation: Integrating Mental Health Care into a Pediatric Practice

At Parker Pediatrics and Adolescents in Colorado, Dr. Jay Rabinowitz took a leap into the unknown by bringing licensed mental health professionals into his practice as employees. Dr. Mark Harris went on a similar journey in Vermont, where he integrated mental health services into his practice, Upper Valley Pediatrics, in the 1990s. In both locations, integrated mental health care has been beneficial for patients and providers, filling a dire need in the community.
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From the Exam Room to the Classroom

All students with disabilities in the United States are legally guaranteed individualized special education services, so that they have the opportunity to learn and succeed, yet many schools fail to properly help these struggling children. Dr. Adrienne Classen of North Carolina steps up to fight for these students’ rights.
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Caring for Children in Swaziland

In 2015, Dr. Rita Fox traveled to the rural village of Ekudzeni, in Swaziland, to set up and staff a medical clinic. She has since returned two more times to provide medical care to the community, building lasting relationships with a generation of children who have lost parents and family members to HIV/AIDS.
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Empowering Our Pediatricians

As medical director of the Health Network at Cincinnati Children's, Dr. Colleen Kraft plays a key leadership role in an organization modeling innovative ways to deliver healthcare to kids. Now, she's bringing her skills and expertise to her new role as president-elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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Dr. Richard Schwartz on the Benefits of Thinking Big and Staying Small

An exemplary pediatrician draws on his long career to describe his obsession with science, the rewards of gutsy perseverance and why he can't work for someone else.

FAQ: Pediatric Practices and the Patient-Centered Medical Home

Deciding whether or not to pursue Patient-Centered Medical Home recognition requires a little homework. We'll help guide you through the process.
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Treating Patients With a ‘Community-Side Manner’

With a passion for health policy, Dr. Penn looks to understand her patient population at the community level in order to better serve them.
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Out of the Exam Room and Into the Community for Nash Pediatrics

Dr. Alison Nash continues a family tradition/calling as successor 
to the pediatric practice her father, Dr. Homer Nash, opened six 
decades ago in north St. Louis.

At Your Fingertips: A Chance to Advance Pediatric Research With Your Practice’s Electronic Health Record Data

Vermont’s Dr. Richard “Mort” Wasserman, director of the Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS) Network from the American Academy of Pediatrics, explains how practices can use their own electronic health record data to conduct clinical and observational research aimed at improving care.