Tag Archive for: Patient Relationships


Proust Questionnaire: Suzanne Berman MD, FAAP

To help share your stories and personalities, The Independent Pediatrician created our own version of the Proust Questionnaire. We hope you enjoy this small window into one another's personal and professional challenges and aspirations.

The Continued Evolution of Pediatrics

Chip Hart introduces the new Independent Pediatrician online and explores why pediatricians across the country are renovating their offices and their businesses as payment models and measures of clinical success shift.
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Absent Adolescents: Solving the Problem of Continuity of Care Through the Teenage Years

Annual well visits with a trusted pediatrician are the best forum to address the physical, social, and emotional changes adolescents face today.
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Treating Patients With a ‘Community-Side Manner’

With a passion for health policy, Dr. Penn looks to understand her patient population at the community level in order to better serve them.
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Out of the Exam Room and Into the Community for Nash Pediatrics

Dr. Alison Nash continues a family tradition/calling as successor 
to the pediatric practice her father, Dr. Homer Nash, opened six 
decades ago in north St. Louis.
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Aging Out of Pediatric Care is All Relative at Pediatric Wellness Group

Northern California pediatricians Drs. Niki Saxena and Eileen Chan discuss the rewards and challenges of expanding their pediatric practice to include services for adolescents and young adults.
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Treating Adolescents Using Compassion, Curiosity & Clinical Care

Oklahoma pediatrician Dr. James Hendricks explains how his participation in clinical research projects gave him a leg up on conducting the anticipatory guidance that is so critical to ensuring the physical, emotional and mental well-being of adolescents.

Proust Questionnaire: Christoph Diasio, MD, FAAP

The Independent Pediatrician borrows on a personality test resurrected from the Victorian era to find out what makes North Carolina pediatrician Dr. Christoph Diasio tick.

The Death of Independent Pediatric Practices is Greatly Exaggerated

The evidence that physicians can be as successful at business as they are at care-giving continues to mount, suggests Pediatric Practice Consultant Chip Hart, who cites independent pediatricians who have capitalized on business acumen and an inner drive to thrive financially.