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Serving the Whole Family Through Developmental Pediatrics

Dr. Mark Moncino is passionate about offering specialized care to children with developmental differences. Inspired by his personal journey with dyslexia, Dr. Moncino founded the Georgia Center for Autism and Developmental Pediatrics. He tells the story of discovering the holes in developmental screening and treatment, and his road to starting his own practice.

Cracks in the System: Child Food Insecurity and COVID-19

Proper nutrition and food security are essential to the healthy development of a child—physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Dr. Steven Abrams, Chair of the AAP Committee on Nutrition, discusses the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic on how the U.S. is failing food insecure families, and how we can do better.

Finding the Middle Way with Kids and Digital Media

The impacts of digital media use on children, both positive and negative, are increasingly visible as Generation Z comes of age. How do different types of media affect childhood brain development, and what can pediatricians do to help kids build healthy relationships with their screens?

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Keeping the Doors Open: 100 Years of Independent Practice

How does a hundred-year-old practice maintain its mission, vision, and quality over time? El Paso Pediatrics offers a look into the structures, values, and patient-centered approaches that allow for continued success. Dr. Joseph Segapeli discusses the joys and challenges of working in this long-standing independent practice.